Thursday, January 10, 2013

Clandestine drug chemistry

Chemical medicine dealing with both direct synthesis and preparation of drug precursors and chemical reagents and tools needed to successfully perform this synthesis. As a result it is a very diverse field of study. You will find the information on this page dealing with the most diverse manifestations of this discipline.

Synthesis of most drugs is achieved through the provision of chemical precursors that require little modification to produce the desired product. This is the case with the very popular synthesis of methamphetamine from ephedrine or pseudoephedrine. The nature of this synthesis is relatively simple, and the availability of precursors directly to the general public in the form of pills cold / decongestant made all the more so. However, as a result of the proliferation of methamphetamine labs across the United States, government regulation and have required drug companies are increasingly making the pill more difficult to extract. This has resulted in the need to formulate a methodology of extracting more subtle and ingenious, which has really become quite the art itself.In the case of some drugs, such as MDMA, synthesis slightly complicated by the lack of availability of precursors directly as MDP2P. Because these chemicals are monitored closely and serves no purpose directly to the general public (as opposed to the case with pseudoephedrine) must be produced before the last modification to the chemical known as "Ecstasy". This problem crops up all over the field as more and more government regulation reduces the availability of precursor chemicals to link precursor chemicals. This resulted in the need for a medicinal chemist who managed to expand his / her repertoire to include a variety of precursor synthesis. Precursor chemicals and the various ways in which they gained will be discussed further in section Precursors and Chemical Reagents.

In some cases "total synthesis" of certain chemicals of interest. At this point the drug chemists will find a way to prepare medicine from chemicals available and relatively harmless. In the case of complex drugs, such as LSD and some opiates, this could be a monumental task. In the case of meth and ecstasy, however, the task is often easy to do. This is a very interesting area of ​​medicinal chemistry in the community, because it provides a way to topple the government control.Some of the most commonly synthesized drugs including MDMA, 2C-B and Methamphetamine phenethylamine class of chemicals, LSD tryptamine chemical class, and Heroin from opiates or opioids grade chemicals. Several other drugs, including GHB and methaqualone (common chemical name of the active ingredient in Quaaludes), are also relatively easy to synthesize. The increase in popularity of the former resulted in an increase in the number of labs that manufacture the drug, while the decline in the popularity of then result in decreasing the number of labs that produce the drug. Trends like this are a common occurrence in the field of medicinal chemistry clandestine.

In addition to the usual medication synthesized previously mentioned, many other drugs have also found support clandestine drug chemists. As a result of a new crackdown on "research chemicals" synthetic drugs such as 2C-I, 2C-C, 5MeO-DMT, and many more have become popular topics. Another trend is the recurrence every year some "replacement Heroin". It is a drug, usually Fentanyl derivatives, which mimic the action of opiates or some opioid drugs such as heroin and morphine. The synthesis of these drugs requires more skill than most "street chemists" have, and as a result the development of this drug is usually limited and sporadic.

Clandestine drug chemistry is a hobby, potentially profitable, and as a result is very interesting. But the practice can lead to terrible consequences. Chemists often convicted drug receives 10-year sentence of life imprisonment in the United States, and can be executed in several other countries. It is important that an individual knows the legal status of the substance they intend to synthesize before taking a step towards synthesis, and it is at least equally important that individuals understand the full spectrum of consequences arising from the conduct of illegal synthetic drugs. Information on legal aspects relating to chemical drugs available here. In addition to information relating to the legality and the potential legal consequences of medicinal chemistry, it is often a good idea to keep abreast of what's happening in your community to pay close attention to news related to chemical drugs. All our pages related to the synthesis of drugs provided for informational purposes only, and in no way intend to condone or promote the use of such information in such a way as to violate any applicable local, state, or federal law on the subject. Know what you're doing before you get involved in any way, think ahead, and above all stay safe and free.

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